How to play death fist in Overwatch 2 - abilities, changes and tips

The fist of death is a tank hero in Overwatch 2. The death fist was redesigned to Overwatch 2 to become a tank hero. Junker Queen and Doom fist expand the list of tanks in Overwatch 2, using the new design philosophy in Overwatch 2. Doom fist was significantly redesigned to Overwatch 2, changing its role on the tank. Here is our death fist in overwatch 2.


Explanation of Fist of Death Fist

Weapons and LA

Hand gun *-Nearby weapons with a scatter. The hand gun is reloaded automatically. Meteorite blow *-jump into the air. Move the aiming circle and press the main fire to strike.


Seismic blow *-Jump and break the earth. Power block -Protect yourself from frontal attacks. Blocking enhances Rocket Punch. missile blow -hold to attack, then let go to rush forward and throw the enemy back. Damage increases if the enemy hit the wall.


The best defense... *-applying damage to the abilities created temporary personal health. Role: tank *-reduces the resulting discard. Less ultimate, generated by healing or injured.

Changes in the Fist of Death from Overwatch

ascending uppermost was removed from Overwatch 2. The rest of the death fist remained almost the same; However, their effects have changed. With the transition to the category of tanks, the overall potential of the damage to the fist of death was reduced, and its survival increased. A missile blow now can hit several goals, which significantly reduces its damage and seismic SEEM no longer can be charged to increase damage.

General tips for death Fist

The fist of death is a diving tank, similar to Winston or D. Va. The fist of death has extreme mobility, which allows him to overcome long distances to attack enemy supports and return to his team when necessary. Death fists players should focus on this style of the game, using their mobility in order to stay alive.

  • The fist of death is one of the most mobile tanks. Use this in your interests.
  • Cancel Power Block to Rocket Punch to get additional movement.
  • Jump at the end of Rocket Punch to travel further.
  • A meteorite blow can be used to escape.
  • Rocket Punch can now affect several enemies.
  • Power Block increases Rocket Punch damage.
  • Use a hand gun to exert pressure when your other abilities are on reloading.

To receive additional guidelines for Heroes Overwatch 2, read the section How to play Junker Queen in Overwatch 2-Guide to advice and abilities here, in the guides for the game for professionals.
