Compaty V22, KBO Post Season Celebration Payment Payment

Comes' Real Baseball Game, Comes Pro Baseball V22 (Comfort, V22), will hold a commemorative event for the 2022 HBO League postseason.

This event, which is designed to enjoy the '2022 HBO League' postseason as well as the game, offers a variety of benefits by attending games and achieving missions.

KBO. First, a mission event will be held to obtain various items according to the results of various content plays in the game. Users who have completed daily missions such as 'Event Page access' and 'Home Race Play' will receive an achievement compensation and 'postseason draw' will be paid. You can use the corresponding ticket to replace the scout tickets that can recruit five-star live players, as well as various development materials for the athletes' growth. Depending on the number of cumulative participation, you can get game goods and compensation of good luck consisting of high-end items.

There will also be an event that offers one-time access reward during the postseason period. Every time you record the game from the 17th to the Korea Series schedule, essential items such as 'fast progress ticket' and '500 star' will be rewarded. There is also a pickup scout ticket that can be recruited.

In addition, it offers a variety of entertainment, including a postseason quiz event for community users, and a special push reward event in line with the major game schedules.

For more information about this event, please visit the official complex V22 community.
