Why was Netflix Cowboy Bebop Cowboy?

Netflix is a video-on-demand video service that has produced lots of initial programs including collection, movies or documentaries. The original Netflix productions additionally include program suites terminated by other networks in addition to licenses or co-productions of international distributors that are connected with Netflix. In this instance, the programs worried are in some cases offered for a handful of countries. Some of these materials are created in nations besides the USA, such as Marseille, Osmosis or Family Members Business that have actually been made in France. The first initial Netflix manufacturing was the House of Cards, broadcast in 2013. Considering that then, Netflix has remained to invest in the development of original programs, including collection and also movies, leaving to enter into financial obligation.

In 2017, Netflix announced that they were working on a remake Live Action of Cowboy Bebop, the iconic anime of the 90. While at the time the comments that were against this work did not miss, there was also A little ray of hope, which in the end ended up being despised. After years of waiting, on November 19, the first season of this adaptation premiered. Less than one month after its launch, Netflix canceled any plan for a second part, and it seems that this decision goes beyond its reception.

Currently, the Remake of Cowboy Bebop has a 46% rating by critics and 57% of the fans in Rotten Tomatoes. While this sounds negative, A bad reception has not stopped Netflix in the past. However, what is striking on this occasion, is that interest seems not to have been on par with what is necessary to equalize the budget that this adaptation needed.

At the moment there is no official information about the budget of this remake. However, create all CGI animation, work in choreography that manages to pay tribute to the original anime, and the creation of highly details recording sets, is not something that is simple to produce. For example, each episode of altered carbon, another SCI-Fi series of Netflix, had a cost of $7 million dollars, quantity that probably also had Cowboy Bebop. To this you have to add all advertising, license and much more.

The result can be seen well at times, and being a decent visual adaptation of anime, but it is not on par with another type of jobs, even in the same Netflix catalog. In this way, it is very likely that the company did not see the necessary earnings to merit a second season.

On related topics, here you can learn more about the cancellation of this remake. In the same way, the Internet reacted to this information.

Netflix Cowboy Bebop May have KILLED LIVE ACTION ANIME! LET IT BE SO! Editor's note:

While it is true that the first season of Cowboy Bebop has enough problems in various sections, all this could be corrected in a second season, and thus give the fans the adaptation they deserve. However, this was a risk that Netflix was not willing to run.
