Wow: The originals

Wow, has a birthday and celebrates a party that lives above all nostalgia. For example, we can make in Tatars hunt for the damn converter or go to the old version of the antenatal battlefield for Corrals Revenge. And then, of course there s a quest in WoW: the originals (Horde) / the originals (alliance), which we get from the historians in the caves of the time. Just take the portal to the caves in Grammar or Storm wind and you are in front of your quest transmitter.

And what should you do for the retro quest? Well, the time-honored WoW bosses Lord Kazakh, Azures and the four dragons of the nightmare kill (Dragon Emission, Let hon, Caesar and Scrub). Whereby, it s actually enough for the quest if you do not do one of the four fluctuates in addition to Kazakh and Azures.

IMPORTANT : Level 30 Player 30 and higher are allowed to deal with the world bosses, and you can how them daily for prey.

Kazakh, Azures and Kites of the nightmare in WOW

To go to WoW (Buy Now €14.99) to complete the originals, you have to plan a little world tour through Zeroth.

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Lord Kazakh can be found in the devastated land (coordinates 32/49). Azures drives around in Asmara (49/84). And the four green dragons Emission, Let hon, Caesar and Phone can be found at the portals for emerald dream in Fer alas (51/10), Essential (93/40), dusk forest (46/38) and in the hinterland (63/27).

The Originals: Azuregos, Emeriss, and Lord Kazzak! LEP #31 [Legion World of Warcraft Let's Play]

Also, the exact places are also displayed on the map if you have accepted the quest. ATTENTION : The four dragons of the nightmare never dive at the same time, they change daily. If a world boss was defeated, it takes only a few minutes until he spawns again.

Many of the progestin pieces of the world bosses are particularly interesting for transmit fans, rod of rapid growth, nightmare blade, Taiwan, emerald-green dragon catcher or awareness of the amber seal, for example. By the way, your seal of the war-lined fate can be invested for a bonus throw. With bad luck, however, you only receive radiant aerate nuclei, with which you grant your outgoing heart of Zeroth artifact power. LOL.

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