GameDec should you help Bob Zappa or Hor Ney?


GAMEDEC is a game mainly about making difficult decisions, especially about the lives of those with whom you interact. A particular couple who know in the first case of the game are two of those people. Bob Zappa and his wife, who calls himself Hor Ney (Ha), are having some matrimonial problems and if you get involved, they will become your problems. How are you supposed to know what to do? Well, that s where we entered with this guide about whether you should help Bob Zappa or Hor Ney in gamedec . Obviously, Spoilers ahead.

What happens if you help Bob Zappa in gamedec ?

So, you overcome the mission and help Bob to find his wife, but now you face a difficult decision, do you reveal to Bob what Him s wife has been doing or lying on her face? Well, if he decides to be honest with the guy who was looking for help, some different things will happen.

Those Horney Dunmers First, you have the option of how to frame the news. You can say directly He is deceiving you , which will cause Bob very anguished the situation. On the other hand, you can decide to tell you He is just playing a game and convince him that this is not necessarily the same as cheating. Although Bob will not yet like him, he will be less anguished and says he and his wife will talk later.

Either way, you will get an access code to use in another game in the future, which can be useful. However, it does not affect the way Hor Ney reacts, if you tell him that you told Bob the truth, she gets angry with you and immediately closes the session to talk to Bob.

What happens if you help Hor Ney to GameDec ?

Now, on the other hand, when you meet Hor Ney talking to the unicorn, she will ask you to lie to her husband for her. This opens the option to inform the husband that the advice she has been receiving are incorrect and that she is not really playing the game.

If she follows this route, she will thank her for the help of her and close the session, although she does not seem that she gives him the code she promised him. When you inform Hor Ney, she says she will have a long conversation with her husband about the situation when she leaves the game later. Meanwhile, she offers help with the first case in your search for Fredo informing you about the alley in which people meet for special moments .

If you prefer not to take this option, you should not worry too much, there are many other ways to get information about Fredo, even if you do not help Hor Ney.

Need serious advice

Those are all the consequences of their decisions in the situation of Bob Zappa and Hor Ney. Keep in mind that this decision can affect subsequent moments of the game, especially if you get the Bob code that can help you in another game you should investigate at a later date.

If you have had problems with other decisions in GameDec, consult some of our other decision guides or our review.
